Construction Cost Estimating


Some useful tips for placing bricks & blocks in a wall

In this construction article, you will get some useful tips for strengthening the walls of the building as well as the improper process for building the walls.

Erection of walls:

? Lay out walls with cautiously marked profiles containing reference lines and datum levels.
? Verify the lengths of the walls for maintaining squareness.
? Double check against diagonal measurements from the Architect?s plans.
? The location of openings should be predicted to retain exact bonding both horizontally and vertically.
? Keep away from overstressing mortar by developing rises not in excess of 1.5m per day.

? Both leaves of a cavity wall should be constructed at the same time so that inappropriate coursing and probable weakening of an individual leaf (if left unsupported for any length of time) does not occur.
? If it is required to plaster and render masonry; raked out joints roughly 15mm deep should be arranged as work continues.

Laying bricks and blocks:

The following measures should be taken for laying bricks and blocks to maintain the longevity of the walls :-

? Bricks and blocks should be placed with proper level.
? Apply a regular bond with a nominal 10mm horizontal bed joint (unless otherwise mentioned by the designer).
? Fill cross joints.
? Set up perpend joints with a width of 7mm or more and completely bed into the mortar.

? Perpends should be retained vertically aligned as the work continues.
? Lay ?frog? bricks with ?uppermost frog? filled with mortar should be used to make sure that the wall is stronger and more tolerant against sound transmission.
? Place hollow blocks on shell bedding with the vertical joints filled.
? Make sure to provide a persistent bond, especially at corners.
? Arrange each wall tie a minimum of 50mm into both masonry leaves.

? Retain the cavity and or insulation clear of any mortar droppings.

To get information on horizontal & vertical alignment of masonry walls, go through the following link

Some useful tips for placing bricks & blocks in a wall