Construction Cost Estimating


Benefits of sand filling in footing

In the foundation soil, there are various types of clay as well as silt content with water, river sand is utilized to maintain consistency for the foundation bed (especially for PCC bed).

The footing is arranged directly on the rock bed since even a small sensitive amount of vibration on the earth (throughout an earthquake) can result in collapsing the structure. The purpose of applying sand is to reduce the risk.

Though anti-termite is utilized in foundations, there exist some weak spots which can be affected with termite. That?s why, sand (with anti-termite treatment) is applied underneath the foundation.

While developing a foundation work each time, filling is done for ?X? inches of sand (specifically river sand) and then ?X? inches of PCC bed under each footing.

Manufactured Sand ? Now-a-days M-sand is becoming popular in place of river sand and substituting normal sand in concrete. M-sand is more stable and cost-effective with regards to river sand.

Benefits of PCC bed:

If PCC bed is applied, it provides good consistency to the foundation bed and resists termite entry to the structure.

If the footing is arranged directly over the unsettled sand, it may fall down because of bad weather condition. Soil becomes extended or more unsteady throughout rain times and under this situation the structure may fall down completely.

Benefits of sand filling in footing