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Introduction to Infrastructure: An Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering - A useful construction book



Introduction to Infrastructure: An Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering is an useful construction book written by both Michael R. Penn and Phillip J. Parker. This construction book will provide assistance to civil and environmental engineers to undertake and fulfill the challenges of the 21st century.


The authors utilize the infrastructures surrounded us to make them familiar with students belong to civil and environmental engineering and at the same time expose how all the parts of civil and environmental engineering are co-related to facilitate the students to have clear ideas in the first or second year of the curriculum.


Students will gather knowledge on the what of the infrastructure, as well as the how and the why of the infrastructure. Readers will come to know the infrastructure as a system of interconnected physical components, and how those components provide impact, and are affected by, society, politics, economics, and the environment.


By acquiring knowledge on infrastructure, the educators and students will get the ability to build up a vital connection amid fundamental knowledge and use that knowledge, so that the students can translate their knowledge to new contexts.


The authors try to employ the advanced learning instructions which involve learning objectives, concrete examples and cases, and numerous photos and illustrations as well as chapters organized well to the ABET accreditation requirements AND the ASCE Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge 2nd edition (with recommendations for using this text in a 1, 2, or 3 hour course) and make this text a principal factor concerning any civil and/or environmental engineering curriculum.


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An Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering



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