QuickFooting ? An exclusive construction program to design spread footings automatically
QuickFooting is an autonomous tool for effective footing design. This construction program facilitates the users to examine or design footings devoid of generating complicated building models. While modeling a building in VisualAnalysis, it is possible to export the nodal reaction forces into QuickFooting. VisualAnalysis will generate an XML data file and automatically set up QuickFooting to read this data file. The nodal reactions are defined as footing loads and the design may proceed from there.
The users can import concrete spread footing (single column pad) from VisualAnalysis.
Apparent Reporting System - The software provides hyperlinks from each check to the comprehensive check details along with the complete algebraic expression of the code formula, substituted values, intermediate results, final results, and "OK" or not! This checking and verification output can be accessed on-screen and in a complete report.
This construction program offers the following advantages:
? Examine various footings simultaneously (for worst case).
? Automatic sizing and detailing (optional).
? Advanced control of biaxial loading
? Offset pedestal from footing center
? Verifies footing, pedestal, and interface.
? Examine overall strength: Bearing pressure (net & gross), overturning, sliding, and uplift.
? Complete units flexibility.
? Perfect computation of bearing pressure under biaxial loading.