Make a perfect structural analysis with PSGSimple software
Yakov Polyakov has developed PSGSimple, a useful software for performing exact structural analysis.
This spreadsheet can be used to carry out stress analysis concerning a precast prestressed bridge girder at the prestress transfer and service stages. It sizes the girder for finding out prestressing steel quantities.
The spreadsheet applied the correct formulas and processes and abides by the 4th Edition of AASHTO LRFD. But, in order to create the design of a full code check is necessary.
The software offers the following features :-
. girder properties calculator. . user-defined girder properties database. . Estimation for simple span dead and live load moment (the users can overwrite them). . Estimation for moving load distribution factor. . permanent and temporary prestressing strands layout. . Instant and perpetual prestressing losses calculations. . Estimation for concrete stress for two sections (midspan for service loads and strands harp point for prestress transfer stage).
Link for download structural analysis with PSGSimple software