Construction Cost Estimating


Some useful guidelines to store cement in godown perfectly

Modern Portland cement is considered as a very useful construction material that has been grounded delicately. Besides, it has good absorbing capacity to instantly absorb moisture by means of free water as well as moisture from the air. Therefore, proper care should be taken to safeguard it from dampness to improve its functionality prior to apply it in the site.

As depot of cement is very crucial, therefore, there should be perfect arrangements for cement storage in construction site. It retains its quality and fitness for being applied in the site.

The cement should be stored in warehouse or godown on the basis of the points given below.

01. Moisture: The quality of the cement will be unaffected if moisture is excluded from cement. Absorption of 1 to 2% of moisture is allowed as it does not make any significant effect on cement quality. But if moisture absorption surpasses 5%, the cement turns to be unusable.

Therefore, the storing of cement should be done in such a way so that no moisture or dampness can enter to cement either from the ground, walls or from the environment etc. It turns specifically crucial through the humid season and in coastal regions where climatic air contains higher amount of moisture in it.

02. Raised Floor: Cement bags should be hoarded on the floor in wooden boards in such a manner to maintain about 150 mm to 200 mm clear over the floor with a water-resistant plastic sheet below.

03. No Hook should be used: It is suggested not to use hooks for the purpose storing of cement. It is an adverse practice for handling of bags because it uncovers the cement to the open environment that may be moist and vaporous. To get rid of any adverse environmental effects to the cement quality, the workers should be given perfect tools for dealing with cement.

04. Keep Distance from Side Wall: Another vital factor is to maintain a secure space from the side walls, so that the cement bags do not touch the leaking and damp walls especially if the walls are uncovered to the outward environment.

At least a space of 600 mm should be maintained all-round among the exterior walls and the stacks.

To get more information, go through the following construction article

Some useful guidelines to store cement in godown perfectly