Construction Cost Estimating


Some vital information on building foundation

While going to develop a building or any type of construction, foundation work should be started initially. So, selection of proper foundation is very crucial.

Selection of perfect type of foundation is based on the following factors :-

For Tall Buildings :-

1. location of structure,
2. type of structure,
3. magnitude and circulation of loading,
4. ground condition,
5. access for construction equipment,
6. strength requirements,
7. proportionate cost etc...

Various types of FOUNDATION:

DEEP FOUNDATION: In this type of foundation, the depth of the foundation is very large relating to its width. It bears the load of structure and transmits to the earth further down from the surface as compared to a shallow foundation.

The deep foundation is categorized as follow :-

1. piled foundation
2. shaft foundation,
3. buoyancy raft(hollow box foundations)
4. cylinder.

SHALLOW FOUNDATION: In this type of foundation, depth of foundation remains less than the width of foundation.

The shallow foundation is classified as follow :-

1. raft foundation,
2. strip footing,
3. spread or isolated footing,
4. combined footing.

Benefits of piled-raft foundation

The major benefits for implementing piled-raft foundations are as follow:

The piles should not be designed to bear all the loads, there are possibilities for considerable savings in the foundation cost.
The piles are situated strategically underneath the raft in order to manage differential settlements efficiently.

The piles having very soft clays at or adjacent to the surface of the raft, where the raft can provide only a moderately small percentage of the necessary ultimate load strength.

The piles susceptible to long-standing consolidation settlement, under this situation soil may loose contact with the raft and transmits all the loads to the piles.

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Some vital information on building foundation