Construction Cost Estimating


How to calculate shuttering area?

In this civil engineering article, you will learn how to measure the shuttering area in a formwork.

Measuring Shuttering area:-

The shuttering is measured with respect to Sq.M in the Rate Analysis of Shuttering. Before working out the area of shuttering, it is necessary to learn the calculation of peripheral length (Perimeter) concerning any shape.

Peripheral length (Perimeter):

Perimeter refers to the distance around a two dimensional shape.

As for instance, there are four sides for the square and the length of one side is considered as ?s?.

So, the peripheral length = s+s+s+s = 4s

Vital Formulae for working out the Shuttering Area:

Perimeter of Square : 4S (S = Length of Side)
Perimeter of Rectangle : 2[L+B] (L=Length & B = Breadth)
Perimeter of Circle : 2pr (r = Radius of circle)
Area of Rectangle = Length x Breadth
Area of Square = Side x Side

Keep in mind that each member in a structure whether it is a Slab or Beam or Column contains six sides (faces). Shuttering area is measured with the use of two methods. One is applied with the following formula :-

Shuttering area = Peripheral length (Perimeter) x Depth
The other method is applied by measuring the separate areas of faces.

How to work out the shuttering area of a column :-
In a column, the shuttering is provided for four sides and the other two sides (the top of column is departed for filling concrete and bottom is attached with ground level). Omit top and bottom in computation.
The side of column remains in rectangle shape containing side length ?l? and breadth ?b?.
Peripheral length of Rectangle is = l+b+l+b = 2l+2b
Shuttering area = Peripheral length (Perimeter) x Depth
Peripheral length = 2?0.8+2?0.6 = 1.6+1.2 = 2.8Sq.m
Total Area of Shuttering of a column = 2.8 x 4 = 11.2 Sq.m

For circular column, the following formula is applied to work out the shuttering area :-
Shuttering area of Circular Column = 2pr x Depth
How to work out the shuttering area of a beam
For Beam, shuttering is provided in 5 sides and the other side (top side is departed to fill concrete)

Shuttering area is also computed by determining the individual area of each faces as follow:

Face 1 : Area of rectangle = L x B = 0.8 x 4 = 3.2
Face 2 : Area of rectangle = L x B = 0.6 x 4 = 2.4
Face 3 : Area of rectangle = L x B = 0.8 x 4 = 3.2
Face 4 : Area of rectangle = L x B = 0.8 x 0.6 = 0.48
Face 5 : Area of rectangle = L x B = 0.8 x 0.6 = 0.48
Total Area of Shuttering = 3.2 + 2.4 + 3.2+ 0.48 +0.48
= 9.76.Sqm

How to work out the shuttering area of a slab: Slab is supported on beam, it is not necessary to arrange shuttering to the slab on four sides. Similar to beam & column, the top of the slab is departed to fill concrete and for curing. So, shuttering is only arranged to the bottom of slab. The below mentioned values are considered for finding the shuttering of a slab.

To determine the shuttering area of a slab, the following formula is used :-
Shuttering area of Slab = Bottom area of slab = L x B

How to calculate shuttering area